
  • Kanada Erwache!

    Canada Awake! The importance of Germanic culture in Canada and how it is being erased.

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  • The Long Game

    From time to time, the so-called “news” is peppered with stories of some person performing an act of violence or terror, espousing the militant over-throw of the American government. As often as not, these persons are either labeled as “neo-nazis” or brand themselves as such. Some go so far as to proclaim they are National…

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  • The Department of Homeland Insecurity

    In researching the numbers on the invasion of illegals in this country, I was surprised to find a government website that actually touts the failure at the border…

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  • Schnell Post: The Longest Hatred

    A brief musing on how antisemitism is nothing new, contrary to the media narrative.

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  • Backdoor Reparations

    How our government is already moving forward paying reparations to people of color by funding “racial equity” and using discriminatory practices against Whites citizens.

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