Kosher News: What they can’t control, they destroy.
How a new information gatekeeper controls the social narrative and news that every American sees.
The ZOG gets a bill
Another feel-good money-waster that serves Jews at the expense of everyone else, highlighting their special status in American politics.
Schnell Post: Laundering Taxpayer Dollars
US taxpayer money is being funneled into the pockets of defense contractors and investment firms by routing it through Israel first.
Hey Buddy! Can you spare a $Billion?
Technically a Schnell post, as this is short and sweet. With all the back-and-forth regarding […]
Better living through pharmaceuticals
Not! We’re back from the break and, I’ll be honest here, a change in medication. […]
Just because you’re paranoid…
…doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you. And apologies for the delayed post. Not […]
Jewish Backwash- Part B
A continuation of The Unified Theory of WTF, part 2b. Part 2 can be found […]
Soviet Backwash
backwash, n. 1) a condition, usually undesirable, that continues long after the event which caused […]
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
Adolf Hitler American Nazi Party Black Black History Month Crime Culture David Irving Education Federal Reserve Flyers food George Lincoln Rockwell Harris Illegal Immigration Immigration Influence Jewish media Jews Main Stream Media Media Money National Socialism Race Reparations Soviet Trump Ukraine Volksgemeinschaft Woke