Good news: The receding DEI tide
Finally, good news! How the DEI tide is slowly receding and the HRC Corporate Equality Index scam is being recognized for the grift that it is.
Schnell Post: Our Aircraft Carriers, Their Profit
In a moment of breathtaking stupidity, we have no Aircraft Carriers on-station in the Pacific. But stock prices for oil companies sure look good.
Faux News and the DEI Airline
A click-bait article by Faux News is not completely off the mark: DEI in the skies.
The U.S. supports war crimes with your money.
The numbers speak for themselves. The government of Israel and the IDF are guilty of war crimes. And the United States is helping them.
She’s Not Wrong
A short video from Columbus, Ohio shows how the disappearance of the White race, and Americans generally, is experienced at the personal level.
Schnell Post: New cartoon- right on time
[Podcast version found here or on podcast page above] Our comrade Johann Hauptmann never fails […]
Kosher News: What they can’t control, they destroy.
How a new information gatekeeper controls the social narrative and news that every American sees.
Sitrep: Work in progress
For my loyal readers and those who happen to stumble by, just a quick “sitrep”: […]
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
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