To move forward effectively, it is advisable, from time to time, to pause and look back at where one has been.
It was in this spirit that I was reviewing posts from the previous incarnation of Amerika Erwache!, originally a blogspot creation until it was banned by Google, when I came across the following entry from four years ago. Amazingly, and perhaps sadly, it is just as relevant today as it was then. Possibly more so, especially if we keep in mind the increasing level of mediocrity in society generally, and in our government specifically. It also speaks to the rise of DEI “culture”.
Indeed, if in what follows we substitute the word “capacity” with the word “ability”, it seems tailor made for today:
Of Mice and Men
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
I realize that my updates to this blog are somewhat sporadic, and for that I do apologize. The problem- or one of them at any rate- is that I get easily overwhelmed.
There is so much information “out there”, so many examples and tangible demonstrations of the overt assault on our people, ideals, and values that I cannot find just one singular thing to point at and say “See! this is what I’m talking about!” It seems as soon as I do, another pops-up. It’s like playing Libtard Wack-a-Mole.
In truth, at times I despair. Sure, I could post about the lock-down silliness and how it furthers the communist nanny state; the anti-police “protests” and how it bolsters the nationwide sale of spray-paint while our so-called authority figures do nothing; the tearing down of monuments to (gasp) White people of distinction. How- according to the media-everyone hates the police. That is, until they need them. But we all know this.
Does calling attention to such stupidity do any good? (That’s my despair coming through).
Somehow (long story for another time), we’ve slipped from our founding principles of government “made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people” (Sen. Daniel Webster, 1/30/1830) to a government “made for special interests, made by a myopic few, and answerable- if at all- to the fringe minorities they represent.”
But then, I came across a quote from one of history’s greatest men: Adolf Hitler.
This whole edifice of civilization is in its foundations and in all its stones nothing else than the result of the creative capacity, the achievement, the intelligence, the industry, of individuals: in its greatest triumphs it represents the great crowning achievement of individual God-favored geniuses, in its average accomplishment the achievement of men of average capacity, and in its sum doubtless the result of the use of human labor-force in order to turn to account the creations of genius and of talent.
So it is only natural that when the capable intelligences of a nation, which are always in a minority, are regarded only as of the same value as all the rest, then genius, capacity, the value of personality are slowly subjected to the majority and this process is then falsely named the rule of the people. For this is not rule of the people, but in reality the rule of stupidity, of mediocrity, of half-heartedness, of cowardice, of weakness, and of inadequacy.
— Speech to the Industry Club (21 January 1932) as quoted in The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922 – August 1939 (1994) by Norman Hepburn Baynes, Oxford University Press, p.783
Not being in the original German, and my inability to read it with any degree of fluency if it were, I cannot be sure, but what I think he is saying is that the true creators and guardians of a culture or society have always been in the minority. (Indeed, it is interesting to note that even the card-carrying members of the NSDAP were a minority in Germany). According to Hitler, there has always been something of a hierarchy (for want of a better word) in a society, wherein a few (“individual God-favored geniuses”) build or accomplish great things- these are the minority. By definition, a majority are “average” and provide the baseline of common society, and then there are those below that who, frankly, are not capable of doing much more than grunt work.
Note that there is no moral judgment here. He is not saying one is better than the other. Indeed, all are necessary to build the “whole edifice of civilization.” It is simply an acknowledgment that while all strata in a society are necessary, they are also different. We can’t all be Mozarts. Someone has to make the piano. One isn’t better than the other. They go together, and in doing so, improve society as a whole. National Socialism. I’d bet the piano maker couldn’t write Mozart’s Requiem (one of my favorites). But I’d also bet Mozart wouldn’t know where to begin to form raw wood and wire into a piano either.
No, the really scary part is the next section (Beginning with “So it is only natural…”). Read that again while keeping the current societal malaise in mind.
He flat out nailed it.
The current attack on the Founding Fathers of this country (as just one example) is an attempt to deny their very “genius, capacity, ..and value of personality”.
It is Communism, pure and simple: to deny that there are, in fact, differences between people and some people play one role in a society while others play a different role. These knuckleheads have to go after the “capable intelligences of a nation”, because not doing so acknowledges their necessary and contributory role in our society and history. Furthermore, it doesn’t take much mental energy to substitute “individual” for “race” and come to the same conclusions.
It was on reading that quote, and thinking about it, that I felt some of the despair lift and dissipate- to be replaced by a deeper sense of resolve. I am in the minority, believing as I do and doing what I can to share and develop these beliefs. That it has always been so I find comforting in a way.
I’m not claiming to be one of the “God-favored geniuses” evoking the forces of the Creative Will to further our culture. Just an “average White guy” works for me. But I see that the struggle against “…the rule of stupidity, of mediocrity, of half-heartedness, of cowardice, of weakness, and of inadequacy” continues.
And as humble as my contributions in this struggle are, I must continue to make them if the tide of those who would tear us down and wash away the great accomplishments of our past, of our race, is ever to be turned.
Like I said, I choose to replace despair with resolve. A man among mice. I hope you do too.
Amerika Erwache!
One response to “Of Mice and Men Redux”
Tell me about the rabbits, George!
History proves that the most successful civilisations have both at least a primary and secondary citizenship.
The job of those on the first level are to think and plan. The function of the secondary level is to execute those plans.
The Liberals often say that people of color also helped to build this country. They did – in a way. Our Founding Fathers were all White, and our leaders were all White until around 100 years ago when things began changing. But when this country was just starting out, the planners and leaders were all White. Yes, non-Whites helped, but their function was to execute the plans of our leaders.
For example, when an architect puts up a building, he gets all the credit, not the construction workers. The architects of our country were all White. The non-Whites were the construction workers.
Now I don’t want to diminish the importance of the construction workers. Without them, the building would not get built. But any construction worker out there knows that when the project is completed, the architect gets all the credit, not them.
There are those who plan, and those who do the labor. The highest level of society does the planning. The rest do the labor to make those plans reality. One couldn’t exist without the other so both are equally important. But it is also important realize that there are thinkers and doers and one must accept his place in society. If not, then there is discontent, and that means trouble.