She’s Not Wrong

The issue of immigration and the slowly disappearing White Race in this country is, of necessity and unfortunately, an ongoing topic. Usually this is examined at the national level involving large populations and demographic trends, as was the case in a recent post dated June 12 of this year.

For example, a recent Bloomberg article, not included in the June 12th post, states:

“The Hispanic population in the US grew by 3.2 million from the beginning of the pandemic to mid-2023, making up 91% of the country’s overall [population] gain, according to an analysis of Census Bureau data…Overall, the US population increased by 3.4 million over the period… At the same time, the White population declined by 2.1 million, and the shrinking group of White youth drove a 1.6 million drop in the number of Americans under the age of 18.”

These are terrifying numbers for White America. But they are abstract.

If we put a face to the problem, it becomes more poignant, personal, and relevant to our lived experience. It is also fun to watch the “light bulb” go off in someone’s head.

It is in this spirit I offer the following two-minute video. (If you are not in a position to watch or listen to the video, I include a transcript at the end of this post):

She’s not wrong.

In full disclosure, and to be fair to this nice young lady, I do not know who this is. She certainly had no idea that her video was going to end up on this page, or, I suspect, the Welsh blog hosting it. Clearly she was posting some Instagram, twitter, who-knows-what thingy-ma-bob. I’m not that technically savvy (I still use a typewriter for rough draft compositions). But if anyone has an issue with the context in which it is presented, or with my comments and observations on the matter, take it up with me, not her.

But again, she’s not wrong. She puts a face to what would otherwise be cold statistics, and her perception is consistent with published information.

Columbus, Ohio, population roughly 950,000, is one of three “sanctuary” cities in that state. The Columbus city government prides itself on inviting and helping non-Whites move into the city. In 2018, the City Council passed a resolution stating: “…that local law enforcement officers would not cooperate with federal immigration authorities and would not engage in activities that could lead to the deportation of individuals living in the city. Additionally, the resolution also states that Columbus will not allocate resources to enforce federal immigration laws.”

In addition, the Guide to Undocumented Immigrant Rights and Privileges in Ohio touts a litany of state-sponsored services and assistance programs available to illegals, including:

1. Medicaid: Ohio allows access to Medicaid for undocumented pregnant women, and children under the age of 19 regardless of immigration status. This program provides coverage for medical expenses.

2. Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA): This program provides short-term financial assistance for qualified refugees in Ohio, including those who are undocumented.

3. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): This program provides assistance for eligible low-income individuals and families to purchase food at approved stores. Undocumented immigrants may qualify if they meet the other eligibility requirements.

4. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): This program provides short-term financial assistance to low-income families, including those with undocumented immigrants.

Why would you NOT go to Columbus? Consequently, there are now between 80,000 and 100,000 illegals in Columbus. Nearly 250,000 in Ohio overall.

Of course, she wasn’t necessarily talking about illegals, but immigration generally. She not wrong there either.

Not surprisingly, Columbus welcomes legal non-White immigrants with open arms.

Census data shows that over the last 10 years, the number of Whites in Columbus has declined nearly 7.5%, while the percentage of all other races has increased: Hispanics up over 2%, Mixed Race up 2%, Asian up over 2%, Blacks up 1%. This does not include the aforementioned illegals, which, even if we take the low estimate of 80,000, would be nearly 9% of the city’s population.

She also mentions the babble of foreign tongues, specifically Spanish and “Middle Eastern”.

She’s not wrong. The top-10 nationalities moving into Columbus (legally as far as we know) are:

  1. India: number of residents—23,765
  2. Mexico: number of residents—14,702
  3. China: number of residents—10,823
  4. Somalia: number of residents—10,031
  5. Ghana: number of residents—6,900
  6. Ethiopia: number of residents—5,171
  7. South Korea: number of residents—4,004
  8. Vietnam: number of residents—3,401
  9. El Salvador: number of residents—3,147
  10. Philippines: number of residents—3,130

I could go on with more statistics and numbers. But really, her expression of frustration and well-stated reaction to what is happening around her is more to the point: the slow erasure of White culture, living space, and community is a real problem effecting real people.

If you have not yet shared her experience, don’t breathe too easy: the numbers suggest you will, soon.

What can you do?

Visit the ANP to learn more about the effort to save our Race. Subscribe to this blog or the podcast to stay informed about this and other issues. And remember to spread the word.

Amerika Erwache!

Transcription of Video:

“Okay, so I know I’m not supposed to notice these things, or ask these questions, but it needs to be noticed and the questions need to be asked.

So, I’ve lived in a nice suburb of Columbus for about 5 years now, in the same apartment complex, and since moving in, slowly but surely, all of my neighbors have become foreigners: I am one of the only Americans that live in my complex now.

If I go to take a walk around the neighborhood with my son almost no nobody nobody speaks English and all of them look at me like I’m the odd man out, like: “what’s this white girl doing here in our neighborhood?”

If I go to the pool it’s almost all Spanish speaking or middle eastern speaking families. Like I am one of the only English-speaking Americans in my complex and that just that doesn’t seem right to me. How is this okay that I, an American, am being conquered basically in my own home. I’m like “is anybody else upset with this? Is anybody else noticing this? That we’re now made to feel out of place, and I’m not even talking about race. I’m not talking about race there. When I see a fellow black person I’m like: “Yes you’re an American! Like “thank you for being here with me side by side.” It has nothing to do with race.

I’m speaking about fellow Americans being pushed out of their homes and being conquered by people who aren’t from here people, who don’t speak our language. It just it feels wrong. I don’t see how this is okay and this doesn’t seem like a strength for us. That this diversity thing doesn’t seem like it’s going good.

Yeah, I just…what do you guys think? What do you guys think, am I being irrational? Am I being irrational that I feel uncomfortable in the fact that I’m like the only one of my neighbors that speaks English and actually has an ancestry here in America that can, like, go to a cemetery and see my my grandma and grandpa who were buried here? Am I wrong for feeling like that shouldn’t be the case?

I don’t think that I am. I think that this is perfectly natural to be upset that my home is being conquered by foreigners. Where are my fellow Americans and why are we letting this happen?”

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2 responses to “She’s Not Wrong”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    These welcoming people are all “Useful Idiots” (as Stalin referred to people who help with policies that are really detrimental to them), and greedy business owners who not only want more laborers, but they want people who will work for less money. That means illegals.

    Illegal aliens will do things to survive that Americans find unacceptable. For example, three families will move into a four bedroom house. They put the kids into bedrooms like they are dormitories. Adults will sleep in the living room. They will even have people living in the garage.

    Three families usually means six adults. Five adults will go out and earn money. One of them will stay home and watch the children. They pool their resources and that way they all get a place to live, crowded though it may be.

    Most Americans would find this situation intolerable, but to illegals from Third World countries, they are just doing what it takes to survive. It’s basically business as usual for them. That’s also how they can support a family on very low wages.

    Employers want more of these people. They pay them less, give fewer or no benefits, and if they complain, they threaten to have them deported.

    It is illegal to hire illegals. However, it is not illegal to rent to them, or for them to enroll their children in our schools. The Liberals like to tell us that illegals cannot get on social programs. What about the children? No decent person is going to allow children to go hungry or go without medical care. We have to get hard ass about this. If we show the least amount of sympathy, they will take full advantage. Gice someone an inch and they will take a mile.

    We need to close the borders. Station troops there with orders to shoot if necessary. If an employer gets caught hiring illegals, he gets shut down permanently. Just take his business license. He’s shut down. Make it illegal to rent to illegals. Don’t let illegals send their kids to our schools. If the kid is a citizen but the parents are not, deport the parents, and give them the choice of leaving their kids here or taking them with them. Never allow those children to be used as anchors for the parents.

    Folks, we have to be hard asses. Close down businesses that hire illegals. That way there will be no jobs for them. Make it illegal to rent to them. No place for them to live. Refuse their children admission into our schools. If we make life impossible for them, they will stop coming. If we don’t, the children of these immigrants will replace us as we replaced the Indians.

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      Hear, hear! As is said: “Nature abhors a vacuum.” If we make it easy for them to get here, and easy for them to stay- why wouldn’t they? Hate to be brutal about this, but if we dropped leaflets for a week all along the border giving fair warning, telling one and all that if they cross the border on the eighth day they will be greeted with heavy machine guns, it would take one day to stop illegal immigration. One. It would be a brutal, bloody day like the first day on the Somme, or the Battle of Sharpsburg (Antietam). Then it would be done. If that is unpalatable, then people need to realize that your solutions are the kindest: take away their reason for coming here.