Clomp. Clomp. Clomp [sound of Johann stepping onto his soap box]
From time to time, the so-called “news” is peppered with stories of some person performing an act of violence or terror, espousing the militant over-throw of the American government. As often as not, these persons are either labeled as “neo-nazis” or brand themselves as such. Some go so far as to proclaim they are National Socialists. I wish they would not.
The most recent example to catch my eye was:

When I see such things, I shake my head and heave a sigh of disappointment. Clearly these people have never read their history, nor taken a moment to reflect on how their actions will play-out in the long run.
Other than what I have read from mainstream sources, I do not know anything about the Atomwaffe Division or the National Socialist Resistance Front. I was unable to find a manifesto or statement of principals online, so I can only surmise their intent or motives from their actions and their wrap sheets.
I do know that they are in no way affiliated with the American Nazi Party – the only true National Socialist party in America that I know of which adheres to that ideology’s core principles – and, judging by their actions and affiliations, no more National Socialist than the Communist Party or Antifa.
If their goal is a state of anarchy, then their actions make a certain sort of sense. But if they truly believe in the ideology of National Socialism, their actions are ill-informed and harmful to the cause.
Here’s why.
National Socialism if fundamentally concerned with the Volk, the People (that is, our racial brothers and sisters). It is the National part of the equation. We need the support of the masses to truly obtain and wield power.
It is important to remember that Adolf Hitler realized this too. Even with the political confusion at the time, hyper-inflation, heinous Versailles Treaty obligations, and mass unemployment, the NSDAP was unable to stage a successful coup in 1923. It was only by first using the system against itself – winning the hearts and minds of the middle-class, workers, and rural citizenry, and eventually grasping the reins of power legally – that he was able to transform Germany into a National Socialist state. It took years. It took convincing the masses that National Socialism was a better choice than anything else being offered or currently in place.

We must, and will, do the same here. Not through violence. Through education and by laying the groundwork for that time when the mass of people in this country realize that Judeo-Capitalism has led them down the primrose path. History is cyclic in nature. That time will come. Our task is to help prepare our racial brothers and sisters, to open their minds (or, more accurately, wash away the propaganda they have been fed since childhood) so that the seed of National Socialism finds fertile ground when it is planted. We must win the hearts and minds of our Volk through common sense, good works, and perseverance. People want a system they can trust to protect their families and help them live happy and productive lives. Blowing up a power grid or shooting innocents- without putting too fine a point on it – sends the wrong message.
Furthermore, the overriding purpose of Atomwaffe and their ilk appears to be Accelerationist in nature: actions taken to bring about a societal collapse, the hope being that into the resulting chaos, a new White nation will arise. This is, at best, naive. First, it will take a hell of a lot more than ad hoc attacks to bring about a societal collapse. Think more along the lines of global stock market crashes and catastrophic world wars. Second, a collapse would create a power vacuum, and there is no guarantee that their White utopia would be the one to fill it: even during the economic catastrophe in Germany in 1932 when the NSDAP finally captured the reigns of power, in the election of July 31, 1932, the NSDAP garnered 37.3% of the vote, while the SDP and the Communist Party (combined) received 35.9%. And this was in what was to become Nazi Germany! A societal collapse could help the Communists just as much as it helps the Accelerationists.
If one really wants to take action that will help the cause of National Socialism, try this: take your organized cell of true-believers and clean a park, repaint a cross-walk, or guard a business from looters the next time the Black community decides they need to upgrade their televisions. Show our brothers and sisters that you are the way to a better life, not the cause of the problem.
In short, violent action HELPS the enemy. It gives them the straw-man they need to scare the masses, enact new draconian laws, and makes it all the harder to erase the decades of anti-White propaganda we are struggling against. We are building the future, not tearing down the present.
If nothing else, I do wish these groups would stop calling themselves Nazis or National Socialists. As a National Socialist, a member of the American Nazi Party, and a person who had family in the Heer, Luftwaffe, and Allgemeine SS, I find it offensive.
Clomp. Clomp. Clomp. [sound of Johann stepping off his soap box]
Amerika Erwache!

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