Schnell Post: Niger (nī-jər)
Good news! Our troops are leaving Niger. One less money-pit to maintain and the end of an illegal deployment of US forces.
Africa Thanks You
Featuring some of the highlights of the recently passed 2024 US budget, showing the enormous amount of money NOT being spent in the US for US taxpayers.
Schnell Post: World Elite Forum
Apologies for the delay in posting this week. The winter blast took its toll and […]
The Global Agenda
We hear the term “globalization” tossed around in the media almost every day, usually casting […]
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
Adolf Hitler American Nazi Party Anti-White Black Black History Month Cargill Crime Culture David Irving Education Federal Reserve food George Lincoln Rockwell Illegal Immigration Immigration Influence Jewish Influence Jewish media Jews Main Stream Media Media Money National Socialism Race Reparations Soviet Tax dollars Volksgemeinschaft Woke