I’ll be honest, other than noting with angry dismay in a previous post how much of our tax money is being funneled to defense contractors, I have not paid much attention to the Ukraine/Russia conflict. Frankly, if it’s not about liberating Danzig or freeing East Prussia, I’m not all that interested in eastern Europe. Accordingly, like many others, I took Putin’s professed reasons for invading Ukraine at face value: stopping NATO expansion, liberating Russian speaking nationals in a foreign country, etc.

Indeed, the latter point—repatriating Russian nationals in Ukraine back to the Russian Motherland—resonated with me: consolidating ethnic peoples, the Volk, was exactly the reason Hitler gave for the Anschluss (the incorporation of Austria back into the German Reich) and the occupation of the Sudetenland (an area in Czechoslovakia populated with ethnic Germans). One could therefore be excused if he thought Putin and the Russians were simply, if unwittingly, acting out a core tenet of National Socialism—the right, the necessity, of ethnic brothers and sisters to be unified and protected.

Spoiler alert: I was wrong.
Our esteemed comrade HAKoehler opened my eyes in the most recent edition of The White Worker (August-September 2024 edition). I will share some of what he had to say and add my own observations below, but I strongly encourage you to read the publication for the full story, as he examines the issue in a much larger context and greater depth. It can be purchased individually online at the ANP website, or included with your paid membership in the Party.
The article, found in the “News and Vues” section under “More Deceptions”, details essentially three aspects of the Russian assault on Western values and culture: First, the deliberate manipulation of the media (including social media) to improve Russia’s, and thereby Putin’s, image and obscure their true motivation; Second, the shift from a Western-centric policy to a Eurasian-centric focus to counter US world dominance; Lastly, the end-goal of Russian world dominance: it has nothing to do with uniting one ethnically or culturally related Volk.
It would be great if Russian chauvinists sought alliances with foreign nationalist parties to actually fight for the salvation of Western Christian culture. But that is not what Putin and his Russian World adherents want. They want raw power, ruling over a multiracial “federation” that declares Russian culture and language as the one common denominator. – from the TWW article

One of the primary sources used in the article is The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation, published last year by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. [I have linked directly to the publication. Should it become unavailable, please let me know and I can attach a pdf of the document to this post.] Given that many on the Right are enamored with Putin because he seemingly displays many of the values we are currently lacking—strong leadership, clear vision, and policies rooted in traditional values—I thought I would go straight to the source and read the 36-page document myself.
I’m glad I did.
As HAKoehler points out: while paying lip-service to traditional values and the idea of national sovereignty, self determination, and ethnic solidarity through the funding of alt-right mouthpieces (various websites and publications here and abroad, serving the dual purpose of fostering pro-Russian sentiment while sowing discord among their rivals), in reality Russia has one goal in mind: domination.
Here are some highlights from the aforementioned official Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation:

Article 1, Section 5: “[Russia’s mission is] aimed at maintaining a global balance of power and building a multipolar international system, as well as ensuring conditions for the peaceful progressive development of humanity on the basis of a unifying and constructive agenda.”
Article 3. Section 15.8: “[Russia’s aim in foreign policy is] to promote traditional Russian moral and spiritual values, preserve cultural and historical heritage of the multi-ethnic people of the Russian Federation.”
Article 3. Section 17, includes the following:
“[The] strategic foreign policy goals of the Russian Federation are achieved through performing the following main tasks:[Ensuring] that Russia is perceived abroad objectively, [and] consolidate its position in the international information space…[Consolidating] the position of the Russian language in the world, and contribute to the preservation abroad of historical truth and the memory of Russia’s role in world history; [and] to protect abroad, in a comprehensive and effective way, the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of Russian citizens and entities, [and] to develop ties with compatriots living abroad and render them full support in exercising their rights, ensuring protection of their interests and preserving all-Russian cultural identity.”
Note the emphasis on “abroad“.
Article 4. Section 19.1: “[Russia seeks to] eliminate the vestiges of domination by the US and other unfriendly states in global affairs, create conditions to enable any state to renounce neo-colonial or hegemonic ambitions; [and] promote constructive dialogue, partnerships, and cross-fertilization of various cultures, religions and civilizations.”
As you can see, the Russian agenda is not one of live-and-let-live, and certainly not one of pro-White, pro-European consolidation. Indeed, as a National Socialist, we are singled out further in Article 4:
“In order to eradicate international terrorism and protect the state and Russian citizens from terrorist acts, the Russian Federation intends to give priority attention to: …combating the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology (including neo-Nazism and radical nationalism), in particular on the Internet.”
It continues: “With the purpose of countering the falsification of history, incitement of hatred against Russia, spread of the ideology of neo-Nazism, racial and national exclusivity, and aggressive nationalism, and strengthening the moral, legal and institutional foundations of contemporary international relations based primarily on the universally recognized outcomes of World War II, the Russian Federation intends to give priority to… disseminating accurate information abroad about the role and place of Russia in world history and the formation of a just world order, including the decisive contribution of the Soviet Union to the victory over Nazi Germany and to the founding of the UN, its extensive assistance in decolonization and the formation of statehood of the peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America.”

In short, if you’re a National Socialist, Russia is not your friend. Indeed, they are actively working to undermine any message not consistent with their goals by: “ensuring protection from discrimination abroad and assisting in strengthening the position of Russian information and communications media, including domestic digital information platforms, in the global information space, as well as constructively-minded media of compatriots living abroad towards Russia.”
A couple of final points.
First, Russia is not just looking to contain and counter the West. As regards Asia they say “The Russian Federation intends to give priority to: establishing an integrated economic and political space in Eurasia in the long term.”

In Africa, “Russia stands in solidarity with the African states in their desire for a more equitable polycentric world and elimination of social and economic inequality.”

They even have a policy for the Muslim world: “Russia seeks to strengthen the comprehensive mutually beneficial cooperation with the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”
Second, I found this statement to be really interesting: “Russia seeks to transform Eurasia into a continental common space of peace, stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity. Achieving this goal implies [a] comprehensive settlement in Afghanistan, assistance in building it as a sovereign, peaceful and neutral State with [a] stable economy and political system which meets the interests of all the ethnic groups living there and opens up prospects for integrating Afghanistan into the Eurasian space for cooperation.” From what I remember in the 1980’s, it didn’t go well the last time they tried. Try, try again?

As I said at the start, I’ll be honest: there is a slight taste of crow in my mouth. Over the years we’ve all heard about Russian collusion this, and Russian influence that, and I rolled my eyes and thought all those stories were little more than lame-stream-media click-bait. And some of it certainly was.
But not all of it.
The Russians are smart people and they know what they are doing. They know the West is largely rudderless at the moment. They know we are vulnerable. Telling us what we want to hear is one of their tools for keep us off-balance and complacent. Don’t fall for it. We must stay true to our National Socialist principals.
As HAKoehler says in his article, “There is no pot of gold waiting to bail us out at the end of Russia’s faux universal nationalist rainbow. Just a bowl of bitter bortscht.”
Amerika Erwache!

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