A Pyrrhic Victory: the Uniparty wins again
Some thoughts on the election, and lowered expectations: What will really change?
Introducing the NeoCon Party
Why Trump has the neoconservatives in a panic, and what they plan to do about it: the American Oligarchy tools-up to launch the NeoCon Party.
Schnell Post: Uncle Kamala
A brief word about the new flyer at the ANP, additional information, and how things have really changed over the last ten years (spoiler, it’s not good).
Ode to Colorful Hair
Working on a longer post, so I apologize for the spottiness of posts lately. But […]
Schnell Post: Bury the lead
It comes as no surprise that the American media is nothing more than a ideologically […]
The Elephant in the Room
In 1814, Ivan Krylov (1769–1844), poet and fabulist, wrote a fable entitled “The Inquisitive Man”, […]
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
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