The American Nazi Party is funded through donations. It is an expensive endeavor managed by an all-volunteer cadre of dedicated believers in the cause, sustained by the contributions and participation of people like yourself.
One way to support the Party and those actively working to protect our Race is to visit the Shop on the ANP website. There you will find items that can help you spread the word, increase your knowledge, and express your support publicly. For example, there is a yard-sign (perfect for this year), a fun hat, a great shirt, and past issues of The White Worker (the official party publication, each issue containing a wealth of information on National Socialism in the 21st Century).
As mentioned in a previous post (briefly), the latest item added to the Shop we are particularly proud of, as it was designed by the author of this blog, Johann Rhein:
The Third Reich Coloring Book!

The idea of a coloring book may seem a little silly — A tad lighthearted given the deadly seriousness of our mission. But it is not, for two reasons:
The first reason is the most obvious – it is easier to teach our children the virtues of National Socialism and the importance of being proud of their Race than to erase years of Marxist, anti-White, Judeo-Capitalist brainwashing later in their adulthood. By exposing people at a young age to the images and emblems of National Socialist Germany, and making it fun, it helps to normalize what society has spent the last 85 years demonizing.
Secondly, it is not just for kids. In the early 2000’s, coloring books for adults began to appear. Studies have shown that coloring books:
- Relax the brain and improve brain function
- Improve sleep
- Increase activity in the frontal lobe, thereby improving focus
- Reduce anxiety and heart rate after 20 minutes
- Relieve stress
In short, what used to be a simple activity for children is increasingly being used by adults to improve mental and physical health.

I’ve used coloring books for many years for exactly the benefits mentioned above. They’re great to do while listening to an audio book, or at an otherwise boring lecture, or to unwind while listening to music. They helped me stay sane when, as a young adult, I worked in a call center.
But the challenge has always been subject matter. There are history-themed books available, but they are often mediocre in quality and always focused on ancient history or the Allies. At best, they might offer a Messerschmitt, or a Tiger tank, or a battleship as a token representation of the “bad guys”.
I wanted more. The Third Reich Coloring Book is the result.
It features 30 pages ranging from tanks and planes, soldiers in action, Adolf Hitler welcoming home the Condor Legion, Hitler’s watercolors and Nürnberg rally postcards, and more, just waiting for you to provide the color.
All images are “kid friendly”: I wanted to show Third Reich subject matter in a way that was pleasant and fun. There are no Allies to be concerned with, no wounded soldiers strewn on the battlefield. Here are some examples (not full size):

Each image includes a brief description discussing the subject and providing historical context.
On a technical note, because of the level of detail in many of the images, best results are achieved with colored pencils over less precise crayons. But as the point is to learn and enjoy… use what is at hand.
The coloring book is available for digital download from the American Nazi Party shop for a modest $8 donation.

Our mission is serious. Our goals uncompromising. But that does not mean we cannot have fun. It’s worth remembering Nazi Germany’s KdF program (Kraft durch Freude. Strength through Joy). They understood that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. They didn’t want dull boys.
Neither do we.

Amerika Erwache!

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