Schnell Post: Our Aircraft Carriers, Their Profit
In a moment of breathtaking stupidity, we have no Aircraft Carriers on-station in the Pacific. But stock prices for oil companies sure look good.
The U.S. supports war crimes with your money.
The numbers speak for themselves. The government of Israel and the IDF are guilty of war crimes. And the United States is helping them.
Schnell Post: Laundering Taxpayer Dollars
US taxpayer money is being funneled into the pockets of defense contractors and investment firms by routing it through Israel first.
Holohoax Remembrance Day
Saturday, January 27, 2024, the date of this post, is the anniversary of the so-called […]
In a tunnel near you?
It isn’t often one gets an insight into Jewish religious extremism. Then again, who would […]
Hey Buddy! Can you spare a $Billion?
Technically a Schnell post, as this is short and sweet. With all the back-and-forth regarding […]
“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”
Adolf Hitler American Nazi Party Anti-White Black Black History Month Cargill Crime Culture David Irving Education Federal Reserve food George Lincoln Rockwell Illegal Immigration Immigration Influence Jewish Influence Jewish media Jews Main Stream Media Media Money National Socialism Race Reparations Soviet Tax dollars Volksgemeinschaft Woke