Schnell Post: David Irving update

In a previous post, I shared that the brave historian Mr. David Irving is facing financial challenges relating to health issues. By way of an update, I’m pleased to provide the content of an email forwarded to me with good news [all identifying content removed to protect the original recipient]:

We have been very touched by the messages of support that we have received since informing you about David’s poor health. 

We would like to update you on his condition and extend our gratitude to everyone who has donated and to those that have sent well wishes. With the help of contributions received, we have been able to secure care to meet David’s needs.

Donations have ensured David is comfortable, significantly contributing to keeping him in a stable condition. It is a relief to us all to know that he is receiving the quality care he deserves.

We are also glad to dispel rumours about David’s demise. Please be assured that he is still with us, battling on and showing characteristic determination in his will to live. We can report that his spirit remains unbroken. We have all been moved, and he has been buoyed by the heartwarming messages of support and encouragement which he has received.

With regards to David’s legacy, we are making steady progress in ensuring his contributions to history are preserved. Work is being done to get Churchill’s War, Volume III released, which was almost ready for publication when David became unwell.

For those of you wishing to purchase Nuremberg, this is being reprinted and will be available at the end of March/early April of this year.  We are also looking into creating audiobooks and finding other innovative ways to ensure his invaluable work remains accessible to all and can be enjoyed by all. 

Your support has been instrumental in helping with David’s medical costs as well as bringing the above-mentioned plans to fruition.

We are pulling together as a family to make sure he is as well as can be expected and are immensely encouraged by the gestures of kindness received from David’s audience and fans. It is clear that you care about the man, as well as his work. 

Thank you for standing with us. We will keep you updated on David’s condition and our progress in ensuring his legacy endures. Your generosity and support have made all the difference.

We are happy to share a special photo taken by one of his daughters in April 2023 [below].

Warmest regards,

The Irving Family

One response to “Schnell Post: David Irving update”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    Mr. Irving is an amazing man for sticking to his principles for so long. Very few of us have that kind of fortitude. People like Mr. Irving, Adolf Hitler, Commander Rockwell, and our former chairman Rocky J. Suhayda don’t come along all that often. If they did, maybe the world wouldn’t be in the mess it is.